Subscribe page not working

Hello Guys,

I am trying to subscribe to the newsletter, but the page is not working:

Is this normal?


Hi Neil,

At which point is this not working for you as the link to get to the mailing list is working there.
Does it fail after you enter the email address?

If you can let us know i can track the issue and get this working again if it is not fixed already

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Thanks for the reply.

My sincere apologies. The issue was my AD blocker extension. I can see it now after disabling the adblocker otherwise it was just showing me an empty page.


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Glad you found the culprit :slight_smile:
I use an ad blocker as well on my personal chrome profile so i might have run into the issue at some point but its good to know in case other students run into issues.

Thanks for posting back with what the issue was as i really appreciate it.

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