String array (Answers) is not visible in the Inspector


Thank you for the value you share with the community.
One question related to video “56. Arrays”
I added the following command to my scriptable object:
[SerializeField] string answers = new string[4];

However, when I go to the Inspector, I see a big box under the Answers section. It has an index (4) but I can’t see the elements. If I click on that area and drag my mouse, I can see that there are some elements though.

Am I doing anything wrong or is it a Unity bug?



Welcome to our community! :slight_smile:

Which version of Unity do you use? Have you already clicked on the “+” to see what happens?

Hi Nina,

Thank you for your quick response.
I am using Unity 2021.2.2f1
I tapped the “+” and it adds a new element in the array (becomes “5”) but still it’s not visible in the “Answers” section.

Is there any chance that my Unity version is very buggy? I just opened the project again and it’s a mess. I did not leave it like this, I was following meticulously the instructions, step by step.
What do I mean by “mess”: all texts changed their position.

I would assume that I am using a very buggy version of Unity.
I changed the array size to [2] and the inspector was not updated (I saved my script first)
See image attached (I am using two screens)

I too suspect that the issue is caused by your version of Unity. Other students had many visual issues with 2021.2. I was not even able to install 2021.2 due to problems.

If you created an object of your class, changing the initial value of a field won’t affect the value in the Inspector. That is the correct behaviour. However, when you create a new object, the Inspector should take the initial value from the class for the new object.

Try to type 2 into the field that currently says 0 in your screenshot to see what happens.

If you still do not get the fields displayed, please downgrade to Unity 2021.1.

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