Strange turret teleporting bug

I’m using ver 4.22 and I have no clue why it’s doing this

I finished the rest of the lesson and it’s happening to the tank too

Well that’s certainly strange.

Could you send me your project by using the following link?

Please use File > Package Project > Zip Up Project for creating the zip as it will only include necessary files.


Do you see anything wrong in ABasePawn::RotateTurret?

There were some errors about the TurretMesh but that was fixed after I added the #include “Components/StaticMeshComponent.h” I’m pretty sure

You called SetWorldLocation instead of Rotation.

This pops up

I typo’d. That line was fine, the next line should call rotation not location.

Is this what you meant?

Yes but without .Vector(). That turns a rotation into a unit vector, i.e. not a rotation.

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Thank you that worked!

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