Strange situation

Hello, I dunno what happened but I noticed just now this.
How can I fix this belt buckle? :open_mouth: :frowning:

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It looks like your UVs are overlapping. What I believe is the belt needs its UVs moving to a space on the image.

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Hello, the lecture where I noticed the problem is The Belt Buckle & Drawstring.
Should I simply move the UV away and the proceed with the texture painting?
Thanks a lot

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Yes but you may want to unwrap them as it looks like they had no seams.

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It should have seams actually. Can I unwrap safely without losing the current painting job on other parts? Thanks a lot

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Yes, you can unwrap safely, but you need to unwrap only the buckle. So, unwrap will… well unwrap selected mesh. If you select entire mesh it wont be good. So remember to select the buckle only and you are good to go.


As Medial said only the belt and buckle.
You will then probably have to scale the UVs it makes down, and there looks good open space there to put them in.


In a previous message, you wrote about a smart idea to make the belt buckle. A mirror over a mirror. I think your mirror option contains the merge on the mirror ax option.
Merging the mesh but also the UV-map.

If you have merged to mirror into a single mesh then it’s difficult to solve.
If mirror modifier still active, then check the object.

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Thanks a lot!

Honestly I do not remember to have talked about it, but I had to change the belt buckle because my pc couldn’t manage the curve I made.

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Thank you all, I think I managed.


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