Strange non-planar geometry


When I checked the LP Queen with mesh analysis, there was some non planar geometry. :sweat:
Have a look:

I don’t get why those three quads are non-planar :thinking:. They have “siblings” on the other side of the queen like mirrored ones for a total of 6 Quads. It seems they come from the LP bishop base…

To fix it I wanted to use to method described (scaling local Z axis : 0) but it wasn’t working until I set the transformation orientation to normal. The local axis seems to change depending on the transformation orientation …

Cheers !

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It does behaves quite strangely, there is definitely a few bugs there.

Just adding a knife cut on a default cube already makes two sides red for no reason

Moving this two vertices just a little bit up or down makes everything look ok.

Moving this two vertices that are in the middle of edges 0.25 blender units up only makes this face glow green.

But if we place vertices very close to each other, moving one of them just 0.05 get much stronger reaction.

So it doesn’t calculates good enough how much your mesh is really twisted because it’s calculations are based on angles between edges.
So obviously there is some bugs in this function so don’t take it too seriously.



Thank you for your in-depth answer ! It helps get a better understanding on how things work (or doesn’t work well in this case). :slight_smile:
I am glad you took actual time to reply to me in such a detailled way, like they say: “a picture is worth a thousand words”.

I will keep that in mind for the next chess piece I will make :+1:

Cheers !

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