Strange crinkles in my bishop after cut

Edit: Something similar was in the next lecture. I’m thinking it’s with the shade smooth/shade flat differences. What a headache… I want smooth but that has the creases.


I did the cut in my bishop with the boolean modifier ( not applied yet) and there’s strange creases around the cut. In wire mode you can’t see anything though. Anybody know what’s causing this and how to get rid of it?

Mark the cut edges ‘sharp’. Edge mode right click. Mark sharp.

If smoothing too. Also go to the Green triangle, object data panel, in the lower right area, open the ‘normals’ dropdown and check Auto smooth. Odds are you will not need to move the angle slider.

you can apply the edge split modefiers

The best way for boolean operator. is NOT TO WORK on a smoothed object.
Turn smoothing off than do boolean operator.

That said, boolean operator can create a havoc on your model topology.
Which is in optimal form, only build around quads (faces with 4 vertices).
With boolean operator you get also n-gons, triangles.

So be careful where you place the cut.

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