Stealth Combat: UE5

Stealth Combat : Metahumans UE 5.2.1

I chose to select Myles as my Metahuman. But when I imported it into my project the BP_Myles component produced the following error messages.

[2023.12.02-17.24.44:482][372]LogBlueprint: Warning: [AssetLog] D:\UnrealSource2022\StealthCourse\Content\MetaHumans\Myles\BP_Myles.uasset: [Compiler] Get SkeletalMesh : Usage of ‘SkeletalMesh’ has been deprecated. Use USkeletalMeshComponent::GetSkeletalMeshAsset() or GetSkinnedAsset() instead.

[2023.12.02-17.24.44:482][372]LogBlueprint: Warning: [AssetLog] D:\UnrealSource2022\StealthCourse\Content\MetaHumans\Myles\BP_Myles.uasset: [Compiler] Get SkeletalMesh : Usage of ‘Get Skeletal Mesh’ has been deprecated. Use USkeletalMeshComponent::GetSkeletalMeshAsset() or GetSkinnedAsset() instead.

[2023.12.02-17.24.44:483][372]LogBlueprint: Warning: [AssetLog] D:\UnrealSource2022\StealthCourse\Content\MetaHumans\Myles\BP_Myles.uasset: [Compiler] Get SkeletalMesh : Usage of ‘SkeletalMesh’ has been deprecated. Use USkeletalMeshComponent::GetSkeletalMeshAsset() or GetSkinnedAsset() instead.

[2023.12.02-17.24.44:483][372]LogBlueprint: Warning: [AssetLog] D:\UnrealSource2022\StealthCourse\Content\MetaHumans\Myles\BP_Myles.uasset: [Compiler] Get SkeletalMesh : Usage of ‘Get Skeletal Mesh’ has been deprecated. Use USkeletalMeshComponent::GetSkeletalMeshAsset() or GetSkinnedAsset() instead.


I assume that this has resulted in my player having no facial hair.

The first error is in the construction script. This I replaced with ‘Get Skinned Asset’. The second is in ‘Enable Master Pose’. Here I replaced the call as above, but replaced the ‘Is Valid’ and branch call with a ‘Cast to Skeletal Mesh’ call so as to pass a value into ‘ Post Process Anim Blueprint. I then replaced the groom components in BP_Robber.

If the camera is close to the player it looks good, but otherwise he’s clean shaven.

Help please, Nick

Some of the MetaHuman templates warn you that hair may not work correctly which could be the issue. They’ve added a new hair system for some of them and only work when you are using really high-res characters (LOD 0 or 1). This means the characters at third person scale may not show hair.

As for the rigging warning. It is just a warning so don’t worry about it so much. If it works, I would ignore it for now. It probably will get updated in the near future and will stop working completely.

As for the other issues, I’ll need to investigate some more.

Thanks again for the quick response. In that case I won’t won’t and treat this as a low priority issue.

Ok, I was playing with the metahumans for a bit and I appreciate it has been a couple of weeks now but the first time I set up and rigged a character, it went badly wrong. I removed the character and started again and it worked the second time. it is worth copying the LOD component separately from the rest of the assets into your character. Also, make a backup. Another thing I noticed is the collision isn’t 100% and when my character previously was able to navigate over something, the Metahuman could not.

There is a range of hairs that are safe to use but there are an equal number that are not. If you set the LOD component to 1 from -1 instead of 2 however, this should actually show them.

It’s all new stuff and shows how much learning there is to have in game dev.

Not sure how useful this is but I did want to follow up with you and I hope this does actually help.

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