Status Error Not OK...VS2017

As noted in the topic, we are using Visual Studio 2017.

In our original project that we have been following along with, we have been stuck at this lesson. To verify that it was not an issue with our code, we copy/pasted the code from the lesson github in a new project file, and we still receive the same error

From the attached picture, the breakpoint is on the same line where the Status variable will be initialized next, at this point it is not initialized yet. Execute that line (F10) to see the initialized value you’re looking for.

I was seriously tearing my hair out about this and couldn’t figure out the reason that Status was getting a random value. Thank you so much~!!!

Hi there, I was stuck at this point and couldn’t solve it, why was the status generating random numbers instead of string? How to solve it? Thanks if you notice this.

You need to set your break point after the function “executes”, It doesn’t have a value yet.

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