Starting to lose my focus

I was able to understand this to a degree. But mostly I just ended up doing what the kind instructor said. I don’t totally understand why the declaration needs to be where we moved it.

Anyways, other than that - things seem to be going smoothly. Thanks!

Well, I think its because we need the declaration to be private, which means that we could only have one hidden word, since its global, but when its private, its only declared for that certain scope. In other words we could have multiple private declarations, but only one global declaration.
Hope that helps !! :blush:

That does help for me, the issue in this part of the lecture for me, was the fact that I had fully forgotten what the header file was. It wasn’t brought up for quite a few lessons so I instantly forgot what it was.

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Same for me. I stopped the course for a couple of weeks. And when I started again, I didn’t remember at all what was the header file purpose. hahaha. So, I googled it. And it seems like it is a container for declaring variables and classes and stuff. If anyone has a better and more understandable definition, be my guest. Cause I really wanna learn and learn correctly.

sorry i am very new here , can i ask whats the purpose of having the cpp and header file in our visual studio? whats the purpose of having 2 different files?

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