Starting RPG Course

Hello, I’m new here and this is my first post!!

I’m starting the Humble bundle rpg courses i bought time ago and i’m expecting to finish all them.
I’m going to do it in Unity 2021.2.18f1. I’ll hope i could do it without problems, but if you know something that could spoil my experience, please let me know :wink: . I think so i could handle it because i have 4 years experience in Unity but not in games :frowning:

Thank you in advance!!

You’ve piqued my curiosity. What were you using Unity for before? (I know that while it’s primarily a game engine, it actually has many uses)

I was making an application for VR and AR with stereoscopic screens (ZSpace) on detecting arrhytmias in the heart. And before that i was making a virtual fitting room with Kinect v2 and physics with the asset uFlex.

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Wow, that’s some cool stuff!

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