Start Host button losing MyNetworkManager connection on play

When I’m in edit mode in Unity, I have my “Start Host” button wired up so that the OnClick event is calling MyNetworkManager–>MyStartHost(). However, if I test it by playing inside Unity, the Game Object connection (My game object is called “Network Manager”) changes to read “Missing Object”.

I haven’t been able to find anything like this through web searches, so I’m not sure what’s going on. I’ve tried re-setting the connection. I’ve restarted Unity (a few times).

Any ideas what could be happening?

EDIT: I just noticed that the Network Manager game object is disappearing from the hierarchy when I play the game, so that appears to be the real issue. But I’m not sure why.

I found the problem. It turns out I still had two Network Manager scripts on my Network Manager game object, and that was causing problems.

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