Star Wolf: a Star Fox spin off

Hey everyone,


So the game I’d like to make is a spin off from Star Fox called Star Wolf which will cover the untold stories of Wolf O’Donnel and his crew.

Though I think i won’t be able to use any of the actual names or characters for copyright issues but I still want to pay tribute to a game that shaped my childhood.


It will play similarly to the Star Fox games :

  • 3D railshooter,
  • 3rd person view (maybe 1st person for few missions),
  • special movement mechanics (able to slow down and speed up),
  • difficulty levels,

I took the image from the wikipedia website for Star Fox

Have a great day :sunglasses:

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That would actually be a cool game for Nintendo to make, but this fan game will do well. Obviously be careful because Nintendo is infamous for taking down fan games. It is an ambitious project, but it can be done if you put in the effort.

Game design looks pretty) minimalistic and nice, I like it ^.^
Will you keep that style in your game?

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