Stairs that always lead to the same floor


Is it possible to create a set of stairs that always lead the player to the same floor? Maybe even triggering some new events on the level when that happens.

I know it’s possible to achieve this type of infinite-loop with a door/elevator (like they did in the P.T. demo, for instance - even though I don’t know how to do it at the moment), but I was wondering if there is a way to achieve that same result seamlessly.

Please look at these three pictures I drew for more details:



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You could have it teleport the player back into the same room, if done right it can be a fairly seamless transition.

So for instance, if they’re going downstairs then at some point while going down the stairs the player teleports immediately to the exact same reference point on the stairs going up relative to the room. That way they enter the exact same room, but it looks like they’re going down the stairs. And it would work opposite if they were going up the stairs.

This would probably be the easiest way to do it.

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Cool, that seems like it could work. Thanks for the idea, SilverDragon!

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