Squiggly under "Owner"

Everything works fine on my side on this lecture but I can’t figure out why I have a squiggly line under Owner, like so:


Any clues?


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Hey wxsabi,

We seem to be in the same situation with the squiggly under “Owner”. You’re probably getting the same comment when you hover the mouse over it about the “pointer to incomplete class type is not allowed”. I’m pretty sure a #include “something.h” can fix it, but I’m not sure which one. I tried using #include “Components/ActorComponent.h”, but that didn’t remove the squiggly, so I’m still working at it. But I’m also using Unreal Engine version 4.21.1, which may have something to do with it.

Okay I figured it out. Just add #include “GameFramework/Actor.h” to your OpenDoor.cpp file. Since my post is like two months late, you’ve probably already figured that out, but at least someone coming behind me on lectures may find this useful.


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