Sprung Wheels are colliding wih the Tank

hey my dudes,

I’m having a bit of an issue in that the sprung wheels are colliding with the rest of the tank.

Log on the ground:

LogTemp: Warning: 3.588941 hitting Landscape_0
LogTemp: Warning: 3.588941 hitting Landscape_0
LogTemp: Warning: 3.588941 hitting Landscape_0
LogTemp: Warning: 3.588941 hitting Landscape_0
LogTemp: Warning: 3.588941 hitting BP_Tank_C_0
LogTemp: Warning: 3.588941 hitting BP_Tank_C_0
LogTemp: Warning: 3.588941 hitting BP_Tank_C_0
LogTemp: Warning: 3.588941 hitting BP_Tank_C_0

Log in the air

LogTemp: Warning: 10.448553 hitting BP_Tank_C_0
LogTemp: Warning: 10.448553 hitting BP_Tank_C_0
LogTemp: Warning: 10.448553 hitting BP_Tank_C_0
LogTemp: Warning: 10.448553 hitting BP_Tank_C_0

I’ve checked and it looks like the sprung wheels might be colliding with the body of the tank which is set to PHysicsActor. I’ve turned collision off completely on the tracks.

Any ideas how i could possibly fix this as it seems to me that the body requires collisions for the projectile impacts to work.

If it’s useful, my coursework is at https://github.com/overbyte/unrealcourse-section-7-tank-battle

Thanks a lot

The collision on Ben/Sam’s tank looks like this

So remove the collision. add a box collision then go into the details for primitives and edit the box accordingly

For reference, I offset the Center Z by 100, the Y extent to 185, the Z extent by 110

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hi Dan,

That seems to have sorted it. I had to:

  • remove all tank body collisions
  • add box collision and size to the body (note: mine had to be quite tight to the actual body)
  • use simple collision as complex
  • convert boxes to convexes

When i tried the first time, doing all of this had no effect and i ended up testing by pulling the wheel spawn points away from the tank body completely to prove the problem wasn’t the tank body collision. After this i had to remove all tanks from the scene, restart the editor, wave chickens over the PC and hop on one leg until it finally acknowledged that I’d changed the collision bounds of the tank body.

It’s working now tho - thanks for the help :slight_smile:


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