Sprites Platformer Level

This looks super simple, but it’s based on a full game I made in Unreal Engine, which you can see in the screenshot below the Unity screenshot.

Screenshot from Ortho:
Ortho is actually a 3D game, but it uses an orthographic camera to make things interesting.


Very, very cool. I like that you took inspiration from something you’ve already done in the past while getting started with Unity? Well, I don’t want to assume your experience level considering you may well be doing the 2D course having finished other things or having some experience with Unity. Point being, I like it. I’m glad you shared.

Yeah, I have no experience in Unity (or c#), but I took the Unreal Engine blueprint course by gamedev.tv. It’s been some months since then and I had a hankering to learn some more about game development.

I love the simplicity of this. Sometimes a fun game doesn’t need to be super duper graphics and etc
Nicely done!

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