Sprite shaking in Godot 4.0


I am fairly new to GameDev, so please be nice :bowing_man:

I just finished the SpeedySaucer part of the Godot 4.0 Course and I have the problem, that my character is constantly shaking. In the videos from Kaan everything looks so smooth. I thought that maybe V-Sync is the problem, but that’s not it.

Thank you in advance :slight_smile:

Hi CodeMarek :wave:

and welcome to the community :slight_smile:

it sort of sounds collision based, but id be guessing at this point without seeing what its doing or any of the code/settings.

would you be able to put your whole project folder in a zip file and send / pop it online somewhere so i can take a look at it for you?

the zip might be small enough to DM me if thats easier


sorry for the late reply.

Here is the link to the file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/clgb67vu46mmj8t/SpeedySaucer.zip?dl=0

Thank you for the help :slight_smile:

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no worries. just grabbed it .

think if found whats causing the stuttering.

if you go into the player scene.
highlight the Camera2D, and disable the position smoothing option. I dont think it was disabled after we played around with it earlier in the lecture.


that way the camera with stick exactly to where the player is.

give that a go and let me know if that helped any


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Yes that worked, thank you very much!

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