Sprite issue

Upon adding the correct answer sprite, as you can see in the image above the size and shape of the button changes. Now I took a bit of a break during this project and can’t remember if we resized the buttons or not. But I’m just wondering is there a “quick fix” to making the correct answer the same as the other buttons? Also I’m wondering as to why this might be happening in the first place.

Thank you for your time and help in this matter.

Check the image on the button. It’s ‘Image Type’ should be set to `Sliced’.

Also make sure that the sprite has actually been sliced using the Sprite Editor

So those settings are still selected but when I am putting the Correct Answer Image it still looks a little stretched out and boxy. I manually entered the values I see in your sprite editor and I still see it as boxy. Is there another common issue it could be?

Don’t use my values. This was just a screenshot to show the slices. For a completely different project. The ones from the Quiz Master project would be something like this


Can confirm this fixes it. My orange sprite wasn’t sliced either so I copied the settings from the blue sprite. 75px borders for all sides worked a treat.

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