Sprite flicker effect while !canTakeDamage


While this might get added later on in the course, I wanted to introduce a visual indicator for when the player is immune to damage. Very simple stuff but also something which feels important for player intuition.

At the start of DamageRecoveryRoutine() I started a new coroutine which swaps between the player’s cached default sprite color and one with a reduced alpha value (iFrameColor), giving the sprite a flickering effect:

    IEnumerator SpriteFlickerRoutine()
            if(spriteRenderer.color != defaultSpriteColor)
                spriteRenderer.color = defaultSpriteColor;
                spriteRenderer.color = iFrameColor;
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(flickerDelay);
        spriteRenderer.color = defaultSpriteColor;

flickerDelay is a serialized float which I’ve set to 0.1f so that the sprite changes every tenth of a second. When the coroutine is finished I make sure that the color is set to default again.


Great job! This is really awesome, thank you for sharing this with others and myself!

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