Sprinting mechanic

Hello everyone,

I’d like to add sprinting mechanic (incl. shooting while sprinting and aiming down results in cancellation of sprint) in this first person shooter game, by holding Left Shift. I’ve done the action mapping if Left Shift in Input settings but I’m struggling with the blueprint and animation logic. Should I use the logic of moving forward or jumping? And do I have to use state machine? If yes, then how? Please help


You can just modify the MaxWalkSpeed on the character movement component.

I successfully created sprinting mechanic and need help with implementation of animation using state machine.

Just add them to your blendspace.

I made my own Blendspace1D and made another state in locomotion and within it, I added blendspace > promoted speed to variable > connected to output pose. It’s not working for me. Could you please provide a detailed explanation how I can achieve sprinting animation? Thanks

You don’t need a new blendspace or state. Add to the existing one at the new max speed, that’s it.

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