Spooky Corridor

Plodding on with the course. I’ve made it my mission this year to really knuckle down and learn Blender for my art. I love Low Poly but I always seem to come away From Blender and when I go back, I have forgotten all the shortcuts. New laptop has arrived so now I have no excuse.

This is my version of the Spooky Corridor. After all the lighting and modelling, I decided to model a torch and have it focused on the door with the lights (emissions) heavily reduced.

There are some fantastic examples being submitted peeps. Loving the work. Keep at it and have fun. :slight_smile:


Looks great. The old tavern style door and flashlight just sitting there seems to make it even spookier. Welcome to the community. Just watch out the community can be addictive :grin:


The torch light is a brilliant idea!

I think the barrel is too shiny … but artist’s choice.

When working on Blender, do many small projects!
I know, we all want to create something out of the ordinary, using all the techniques.
But those projects are, in the beginning, very time-consuming.
With a lot of pitfalls of losing interests and other driftaways…

Pick a fixed hour or day to work on a small task or mini project.
Repeat what you have learned and add a new aspect to it.
Build up you knowledge slowly. Make notes too!

Have fun.


Good advice there FedPete.
I’m an engineer and in our workplace, we have a chap in training upstairs whos sole job is to create training animations in Blender. I should have stuck at that at school. I’m so envious of his job.
I still can’t believe Blender is free. It’s Huuuuuuge!


Then, study Blender, you can replace him when he’s on holiday or illness …


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