Spitfire model (Incomplete)

Hi guys.
It’s been a little while since I’ve uploaded something since I have been very busy with other things. Anyway I thought that I share this model that I made 2 weeks ago with you. Now this model is incomplete and so is not perfect. I was planning on waiting until I completed it before I uploaded it but at this rate that is going to take a long while so I decided that I’d just share it now, I can share it again when it is finished.

So this model is supposed to be the World War 2 British fighter plane the Spitfire. Now as I said before it is not perfect but I’d love to hear from you guys about whether you think that it looks like a Spitfire or not. I modeled it off Spitfire images that I got from the internet and the spacing of the guns on this model was done according to a diagram I got of a Spitfire Mark 2.

Hope that you guys like but it you don’t, don’t worry you won’t hurt my feelings :sob::grin:



That is one beautiful piece of art, good job dude. And yeah it looks like a spitfire, especially the wings, they’re awesome… Seriously how did make them? I’m very curious so if you could please send me the .blend file I’d be very thankful. I really want to take a better look at those wings. Thanks.

Thanks bro!
It means a lot that you like it so much! How did I make the wings you ask? well they are actually made from a sphere that I just stretched and flattened till it was as close to real wings as I could get them without going into to much detail.
I’d be most happy to send you the blend file! (I’ll message it to you). :slight_smile:

Feel free to edit it and do whatever you like with it, I haven’t finished editing it myself so it’s nothing to special that I want to keep under lock and key, yet :smile:

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This plane looks really cool. I was thinking Wreck It Ralph and tried my hand at an arcade machine.

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