Speed of Enemy AI?

Hi all,

During all the lectures I have seen how fast the EnemyAI moves and its nigh on impossible for someone like me to “hide” from the enemy AI. I am by no means a mouse controllers/keyboard warrior. I tend to play game like GoT or Horizon series. But I can’t get away from the enemy when they are always, and I repeat always, moving at 100% and never making a mistake. So, is there anyway that we can slowdown the Enemy AI character, so, we have got a chance to get away from ‘line of sight’? Is that taught in this series of lectures, or, is this we need to come by on our own. I also have course on building and FPS with BluePrint (after I finish this, something I dearly need to improve on) would it be taught in that course?

Thankyou and Regards.

Hey friend - what class is your enemy ai based on? if it’s a character it has a character movement component with a max walk speed variable that can be adjusted - if I’m imagining this correctly.

I remember being able to adjust my enemies’ walk speed in the simple shooter course pretty easily but can’t remember if that was how I did it. Let me know if that helps and if not, I’ll pull the project up and see what I can’t figure out.


Thanks greatly for the offer but I don’t wnat to be assused of “white privilege” :worried:, so don’t go to any extra effort. Anyway, just knowing that IT can be adjusted is a huge weight lifted. And your suggestion is a great way to start looking into it.

Thankyou very much for posting :sunglasses:.


PS: I just found Max Walking speed in the Shooter_Character BluePrint as you said :sunglasses:.

How, exactly do I set it for ‘only’ the EnemyAI Characters that don’t have their own blueprint with the movement component in it? Like do I do that in the AI.cpp class and set the Max walking speed in cpp?

I was able to access the value but not set it:

	float speed = enemy->GetMovementComponent()->GetMaxSpeed();

I just realized a moment ago that the reason why I can’t reset the MaxSpeed in the AI.cpp file is because what is being returned from the code we are using is a ‘Pawn’, so it’s impossible to actually access the “Character” component - GetCharacterComponent() - that I need to be able to reset the MaxSpeed.

So, that is a dead-end.

Are you in the simple shooter part of the course? I have two separate blueprint classes, both based on shooter character - one for main character and one for enemy ai shooters. Is this what you have as well?

NO!!! :scream: :scream: :scream:

Damn, I must’ve missed a part of the lecture!!! That explains it! I’ll get back to watching the lectures to find out what I missed. I was thinking the only way I can do this is to create another blueprint!

Thanks a LOT for getting back to me!!!

Hey no worries - and don’t go back too far, it could be something that happened later on as well as I’m referring to my finished project ( which I haven’t touched in two months now ). In fact I think it does come later in the course. You can always just go to each instance of your enemies in the level and change their individual walk speeds for now, and I think it will be easier to change the default later in the course.

Cheers and hope this helps,

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D’oh! I wished I’d thought of that before going off on a weird tangent. Thanks for bringing that up! I get side-tracked easily and had a couple of health things that needed some attention, so, I’ve been a little slow on the uptake for the last couple of days.

If I can’t find the 2nd blueprint soon (whether I missed it or it has yet to appear), I will probably just implement it myself as it’s been bugging me for a while - I was waiting for the lectures to implemement a hero and baddie blueprint and it never seemed to materialize :thinking:.

Once again thankyou again for all your help!

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You’ll never guess, but, in the BT Decorators and Selectors lecture he talked about reducing the speed of the enemy :rofl:.

I give up :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:.

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Ah, gotta love it :joy: I can’t count the number of times that I missed some small detail in these lectures that led me to lots of confusion. Anyways, glad you got it sorted, Cheers :smiley:

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