Spawning Multiple simultaneous waves

i just gave a quickly look at your response and i wanted to say that the “time between spawns” parameters didn’t referred to the waves spawn time but to the enemy in the single waves , so it’s more like how much each enemy in the wave is distancieted between each other

So i did this, this is still a bit “raw” but it works fantastic, and it will permit to implement a lot of things later
i did this at first :
-a different gameobject with a different game script with the waves i want to happen simultaneously, like a “parallel enemy spawner”

-while in the “serial enemy spawner” object i put a script which holds an array of boolean that in a dinamic way sees when an enemy wave has started, i wrote the initialization of it at awake so it began with all of the wave fields at false

[SerializeField] bool[] WaveBegan;
 private void Awake()
        WaveBegan = new bool[waveConfigs.Count];

        for (int i = startingWave; i < waveConfigs.Count; i++) { WaveBegan[i] = false; } //
  • while all of this the parallel enemy spawner script is waiting in a coroutine for the correspective enemy wave to be “began = true”
  • i put also a [serialized field] which holds for each element what i want that specific wave to be parallel with, it is like “element 0 (wave 0 on the parallel spawner) = number of the wave to be simultaneous in the serial”
 private IEnumerator SpawnAllWaves()
        for (int waveIndex = PstartingWave; waveIndex < PwaveConfigs.Count; waveIndex++)
            while (SerialSpawner.GetWaveBegan(SimultaneousWaveNumber[waveIndex]) == false)
                yield return null;

            var currentWave = PwaveConfigs[waveIndex];
            yield return StartCoroutine(SpawnAllEnemiesInWave(currentWave)); //finchè non ha finito spawnallenemies


Like this the wave 5 of the P_enemy spawner will be executed simultaneously with the wave 0 of the enemy spawner, if i had wrote 1 in the simultaneous wave number it would have been simultanous with the wave 1


i don’t know if i explained my self clear, but this works for me soo all good hahaha thank you all!

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