So I’ve put together some code with the aim to spawn a randomly selected Meteor at a randomly selected location, and based upon the x and y co-ordinates, set the velocity to either be positive or negative.
The problem that I’m encountering is that the CalculateSpawn & CalculateDirection functions have to return values that are not void and I’m not entirely sure how I would go about doing so.
Thanks in advance!
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class MeteorSpawner : MonoBehaviour {
public float width = 18f;
public float height = 10f;
private float leftBoundary;
private float rightBoundary;
private float topBoundary;
private float bottomBoundary;
private float leftSpawn;
private float rightSpawn;
private float topSpawn;
private float bottomSpawn;
public float meteorSpeedX;
public float meteorSpeedY;
public Vector2 meteorSpawn;
public GameObject meteorBigOne;
public GameObject meteorBigTwo;
public GameObject meteorBigThree;
public GameObject meteorBigFour;
public GameObject meteorMedOne;
public GameObject meteorMedTwo;
public GameObject meteorSmallOne;
public GameObject meteorSmallTwo;
public float timeRemaining = 20f;
public float startTime = 20f;
int randomMeteor;
int randomSpawn;
public void OnDrawGizmos()
Gizmos.DrawWireCube(transform.position, new Vector3(width,height,0));
public void CalculateSpawn()
leftBoundary = transform.position.x - (width / 2);
rightBoundary = transform.position.x + (width / 2);
topBoundary = transform.position.y + (height / 2);
bottomBoundary = transform.position.y - (height / 2);
leftSpawn = leftBoundary - 3;
rightSpawn = rightBoundary + 3;
topSpawn = topBoundary + 3;
bottomSpawn = bottomBoundary - 3;
randomSpawn = Random.Range(1,4);
//spawn left
if(randomSpawn == 1){
Vector2 meteorSpawn = new Vector2(Random.Range(leftBoundary,leftSpawn),Random.Range(topSpawn,bottomSpawn));
//spawn right
if(randomSpawn == 2){
Vector2 meteorSpawn = new Vector2(Random.Range(rightBoundary,rightSpawn),Random.Range(topSpawn,bottomSpawn));
//spawn bottom
if(randomSpawn == 3){
Vector2 meteorSpawn = new Vector2(Random.Range(leftSpawn,rightSpawn),Random.Range(bottomBoundary,bottomSpawn));
//spawn top
if(randomSpawn == 4){
Vector2 meteorSpawn = new Vector2(Random.Range(leftSpawn,rightSpawn),Random.Range(topBoundary,topSpawn));
public void CalculateDirection()
if(meteorSpawn.x < transform.position.x)
meteorSpeedX += meteorSpeedX;
else if(meteorSpawn.x > transform.position.x)
meteorSpeedX -= meteorSpeedX;
if(meteorSpawn.y < transform.position.y)
meteorSpeedY += meteorSpeedY;
else if(meteorSpawn.y > transform.position.y)
meteorSpeedY -= meteorSpeedY;
public void SpawnMeteor()
randomMeteor = Random.Range(1,80);
if(randomMeteor <= 10 & randomMeteor >= 1){
GameObject meteor = Instantiate(meteorBigOne, meteorSpawn, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
meteor.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().velocity = new Vector2(meteorSpeedX, meteorSpeedY);
if(randomMeteor <= 20 & randomMeteor >= 11){
GameObject meteor = Instantiate(meteorBigTwo, meteorSpawn, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
meteor.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().velocity = new Vector2(meteorSpeedX, meteorSpeedY);
if(randomMeteor <= 30 & randomMeteor >= 21){
GameObject meteor = Instantiate(meteorBigThree, meteorSpawn, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
meteor.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().velocity = new Vector2(meteorSpeedX, meteorSpeedY);
if(randomMeteor <= 40 & randomMeteor >= 31){
GameObject meteor = Instantiate(meteorBigFour, meteorSpawn, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
meteor.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().velocity = new Vector2(meteorSpeedX, meteorSpeedY);
if(randomMeteor <= 50 & randomMeteor >= 41){
GameObject meteor = Instantiate(meteorMedOne, meteorSpawn, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
meteor.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().velocity = new Vector2(meteorSpeedX, meteorSpeedY);
if(randomMeteor <= 60 & randomMeteor >= 51){
GameObject meteor = Instantiate(meteorMedTwo, meteorSpawn, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
meteor.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().velocity = new Vector2(meteorSpeedX, meteorSpeedY);
if(randomMeteor <= 70 & randomMeteor >= 61){
GameObject meteor = Instantiate(meteorSmallOne, meteorSpawn, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
meteor.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().velocity = new Vector2(meteorSpeedX, meteorSpeedY);
if(randomMeteor <= 80 & randomMeteor >= 71){
GameObject meteor = Instantiate(meteorSmallTwo, meteorSpawn, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
meteor.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().velocity = new Vector2(meteorSpeedX, meteorSpeedY);
void ResetTimer(){
timeRemaining = startTime;
Debug.Log ("Countdown has been reset!");
public void Timer(){
timeRemaining -= Time.deltaTime;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
Timer ();
if(timeRemaining <= 0f){