Spawn working, but causing odd collisions

I have the projectile spawning, all fine. Well, except that sometimes (most) the tank is “punted” away from the spawned projectile.

I have not updated the project at all (unreal versions), since I started on 4.15 and haven’t had to change. I tried disabling collision detection on the turret & barrel mesh(es), but that didn’t make any difference (I was thinking perhaps there was an intersection between the sphere and barrel).

btw: I disabled by turning off collisions on the mesh (under LOD0), and setting Collision Preset to NoCollision.

I could move the projectile away from the barrel I guess - but is there a better way?

Same problem here. Did you ever find a solution?

Ith Problem is the projectile spawning in the barrel. I have 2 Barrel Blueprints for some reason, and the one I moved the projectile socket out of was the wrong one.

I hope this helps someone.

Thanks, I had the same problem :slight_smile:

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