SpaceX(YZ) Rocket Best Moment

Here is my SpaceXYZ Rocket (please don’t sue me Elon!) at level 5 of 6, what was my 3 daughters best moment choice. I could’nt make shadows work when bulid to WebGL, and at level 4 its supoused to play with shadows, so that dosn’t work very well, but you can test by yourself at

(For some reason i cant upload videos)


A: Rotate Counter Clockwise
D: Rotate Clockwise
Space: Throttle


Go from Launch Pad to Landing Pad (Green) through all 6 levels

Do you find any level too frustrating? Please let me know if so!

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Unable to play due to intense lag, probably <10 fps.
I’m using Mac and have no problems with other games posted here.

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Thanks for your reply @Vergil , yes im cheking it on my MAC and have same low fps issue, i will try to re-complile from my Mac’s Unity and if that solves the problem so its maybe some PC Unity compiler settings issue.

@Vergil just made some improvements to baked lighting and re-compile in MAC, better performance obtained.

Same issue.
I saw the starting scene has been changed though.
I wondered how it’s gonna play on other platforms, such as mobile.
Keep doing your good work.

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Thanks a lot!, sorry for the inconvenience i will research a little more, however it’s a training exercise, isn’t intended to release in any form.

WebGL is disabled on Chrome by default so it needs to be enabled from settings.
I was at the end of this project and tried out other games. Unsurprisingly, those didn’t work either so I figured out it might just be the browser being picky.

Your game was working smooth, no framerate issue and had fresh bouncy visual, I love those aspects.

I know it was a prototype and you wanted to move on to next learning fast, please don’t make a fuss over what I’m going to say next.
For gameplay itself, well, this was something you need to brush up. The game was being frustrating, repetitive non-existent level design, having obscured vision and little to no room of movement. To the point, its purpose was to feel like mocking players rather than something to be enjoyed.

There is a whole genre aim for hardcore players that enjoy games that reward them for learning from failures, such as Celeste. In your prototype, the feeling of achievement is not up there yet but I know you’re going to be brilliant at it once you come back later with new skills.
Keep up your good work.

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@Vergil I really really appreciate you took the time to evaluate my work! Thanks for you feedback! You make me realise what im too hurry to go forward with my excersises, forgetting about the creation process what in my case is creating things that i can like and enjoy myself! I feel motivated to polish and improve this prototype. The “Hardcore Player” aim you mention really opened my mind, i dont think about it when was working on this, but its my kind of playing (and living) style, make mistakes and learn from it, in order to beat the most difficult challenges, so you just gave me a valuable lesson, what kind of gameplay i want to create, and for what kind of player. Priceless!, i own you a few beers men, and if you plan to visit Argentina, i will pleased to make you an Asado ( argentinian barbecue)

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Glad to help a pal in need haha. I’ll keep that in mind whenever I come there.

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