Space traveler

I really liked making this project. I made my own sprites on Piskel and I think they are pretty nice n.n
I hope you can try it out.


That’s a really fun game! I got a high score for 1071 :slight_smile:

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That was fun, my score was 7123.

The pixel art looked great and I enjoyed the sound fx and catchy music. I would have liked some audiovisual indicators on my ship when I got hit. I was too busy to look up at the life score often and didn’t realize I was close to dying until I…well, died. :skull:

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Wow, well done!
And honestly, thank you for trying out my game. I appreciate it n.n

O.O You got such a higher score than me playing my own game hahah
And you are right. I didn’t think about adding some SFX when the player got hit. I agree 100% that it would have help to be aware of the player’s health while playing.

I will keep in mind your advice for a next project.
Thanks a ton!

Cool game!

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Nice work!

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Thank you for trying it out! n.n

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