Space Station Final Render

After a year and half of trying to complete this one lesson, I finally decided to just tough it out. I spent an order of magnitude more time on this section than any previous, and ended up with my most dull and boring render to date. Ironically the warning to “not be too ambitious and model something like a spaceship” came in the final lecture. If only I had received the warning at the start I might have heeded it. If you are a new student don’t fall into the same trap as me, spending hundreds of hours trying to perfect everything. Push your projects out even if they aren’t perfect and move onto the next one. All of my lamenting aside (I spent 18 months on this let me cry) this section was the most valuable yet and I plan to return to it again someday (next time to make a Gothic church…) and I did enjoy making all of the modular pieces that make up this scene. Hopefully I’ll see you guys over in the human head section soon (ill try to get it done in under a year this time!)


wow, can definitely tell you put some time in on that, i for one am very impressed, great job

You’ve basically just worked a AAA Game development job! Why no other posts with the development shots?

Thank you so much for posting this, I was heading the same direction as you did with this lesson and even before I begun I already felt frustrated and kinda sick. That’s why I came to this part of the discussions to see what people posted. So thank you again and amazing job btw <3

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I can completely find myself, in your talk about this project of yours.
Gladly I’m not the only person with these kind of project problems … :wink:

When I did the church section, I though “Don’t like it, choose my own building: Space here I come”. But then some of the lessons were not applicable to my design. So I returned to the church and followed the lectures.
But my original space project, is still gathering digital dust … and I have a lot of these dust collection projects. This forum is filled with it.

And I also think, that some of the project we do, have some sort of expiration date. So move on to the next, as you said. Because you will gain more experience and insights. With that knowledge, old projects seems to be too old or there is a spark to revive them. Because you can solve the issues you then had, with the skills to do it more efficiently.

I like your talk, happy rendering.

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