Space Infestation

Trapped in space, a sole survivor alone with hundreds of crawling critters, how long will you survive?

That’s the premise I and five other people from around the world went with when we set out to make a game in ten days. We’re all strangers and happened to meet up in the discord, each of us seeking to help make a game for the recent jam.

I got lucky because there was a lot of talent in my group and I think the graphics are really something remarkable that came together so fast, and we hand-crafted nearly everything, even used a custom shader.

As gameplay programmer, I was proud to come up with a system to get creatures crawling on wallsas well as a system to dynamically load and unload rooms as the player moved through them to save memory, not to mention a whole weapons and abilities upgrade system. But I am even more proud as the anointed “Team Lead” that we all collaborated smoothly and everyone had fun throughout the experience.

Anyhow, have a look! I’m always eager to receive more feedback. :writing_hand:



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