Space Defender Early Build

This is my Laser Defender game, I’ve called it Space Defender. I normally change more to the game after finishing it on the course but I want to move on. I will go back to it at a later date to add more particle effects, different ship types, formations and so on. There is also a weird animation bug were the enemies seem like they are vibrating. It’s a bit odd. Anyway this has been a hard section to work through but it’s over now.
This is a Unity 5 WebGL build in 5.4.1f1

I think this vibrating glitch might have something to do with the formation moving sideways? Or not being able to move sideways, as it tries to go left and then right and so on? Maybe the formation width is bigger than the screen?
Also, I wasn’t able to shoot the guy on the very right, as it was mostly offscreen.

What’s the music, btw?

Yea I’ve been having the same problem with that enemy that you can’t shoot.

I’ll look into the formation size, maybe that is the problem.

The music is:

I’m going to go back to this game at some point but for now I’ll just keep a document of what to work on.
And thanks for replying.

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