Source control

I would love to see a course on source control since it would be useful to supplement pretty much every course here.

I’m part way through the 2D course.

Do any of the courses go into source control?

I agree, I am sort of just floundering on how to use it… I have spent so many frustrating hours with source control, and getting source control to work (or worse it adds elements back in due to its dumb pull requirement, and this further breaks the code due to what trying to fix the project has already done…

I think that a course would be overkill, but a few sections on how to use the push, pull and branch/merge functions would be nice, especially from the perspective of both the browser itself and the SourceTree shell program.



A full course might be a bit over kill but it is something that is applicable to all the other courses so it would seem a loss to put it in just one. Maybe write a small seperate course for it and give it away with each of the other courses, or at least give a coupon to buy it at a discount.

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You may check the following link first and then think about what else you want to know more about version control:

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Thanks, usefull link. I Actually already use Git, I am a contributor to Drupal, and I’ve dabbled with a lot of other projects on Git too.

I just thought a section taught by Ben and the team would go together well with the course.

I’d love to see a course about Git. I’m more familiar with Perforce but in Git I’d love to see

  • Different repository options (Bitbucket and GitHub both offer free private and public repos)

  • Different clients. I use GitKraken myself but probably not to its best uses. SourceTree is the obvious other.

  • Uploading a local existing repo to a remote, downloading existing remote to local, same with new repo’s etc. released a Git course last year actually.

It’s available on Udemy as well.


Was hoping they’d have a GitKraken one (I see Michael uses it) and GitHub but good to know they have this one so can at least get some background.

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All of the git “clients” support the same protocols and core features, and they all run with the same command line git installation under the hood.

So whether you want to use Fork, SourceTree, or GitKraken, you should be covered well enough by the material.

Their UI differences are generally superficial… some fancier icons, slightly different views of the branch model, but mostly cosmetic in nature.

There are some more off-beat clients that can present things significantly differently or have a greater difference in usage, but they tend to be bundled in with editors and IDEs (for example, Visual Studio vs. Jetbrains vs. Atom, are all quite different experiences for direct git ‘source code management’ (SCM) than the standalone clients).

The one exception in my experience - oddly - is github’s own desktop client, which is woefully lacking and tries to do its own thing. Whilst it has/is getting a bit better, overall it seems to want to be different to its own detriment.

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