Sound location doesn't seem to be in 3D space

Using the “Play Sound At Location” node in Blueprint, the door-lock.wav file that is in the lecture doesn’t seem to be in 3D space. It sounds exactly the same no matter where I’m standing in the room. Same volume out of both the left and right channels, giving the impression that the sound is always playing at the same location (wherever the player is standing). I’ve got the “GetActorLocation” node wired up into the Location pin on the “Play Sound At Location” node, but it doesn’t seem to be doing anything.

Is this just the sound format? It’s already a 2-channel sound, can those even be spacialized? Is anybody else noticing this?

I got same issue. I converted the sound to mono using this website. then opened the dropdown arrow on spawnsoundatlocation and dragged attenuation settings and promoted to variable. renamed it to 3d sound. and then on the details under default value selected create new sound attenuation asset.
I then double clicked it where i saved the asset and changed linear to logarithmic. You can read about it here.
Works now!


@Leonardo_Vici : I had the same issue, did your suggestion, but did not change the sound file (kept it as it was on download). I did have to change a few of the settings within the new Attenuation asset, mainly the Falloff distance and radius. Now it works just like I want it to. Thanks!

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This worked perfectly, thanks!

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