Souce Tree just did something, and I don't know what to do

I had just made a commit to the Parallel behavior trees lecture, and I double clicked something on the left pane i, it started pulling up a progress bar that it was doing something and I canceled it quick as I could.

But… It reverted everything in the repo back to four months ago, and all the commits I’d made since are gone with it too.

Soon as I saw that I just exited everything, and made a copy of the testinggrounds folder, but… I can’t figure anything out.

There was something messed up with my source tree from way back, but it wasn’t causing me any issues so I just figured I’d be better off leaving it alone, but apparently not.

Surely it can’t have just lost all those commits?

If its gone thankfully its not the end of the world. I only have a previous folder version from last week, but I should have a nightly snapshot, but I did a full day of lectures today. :expressionless:

I think I’m going to add a new backup task that does an incremental backup of my projects folder every hour.

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