Somewhat confusing instruction here

it seems like whether live coding is on or off, you still need to hit the live compile button in UE5. I don’t get what the difference is?

also, from a protocol perspective, is it a good idea at the end of the session to save the UE editor, close it and then just Run Build Task in VSC as a standard practice (seems like one could lose track of changes rather easily and lose a lot of work without setting up a save/build protocol). Thoughts?

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Live Coding is buggy and with it enabled your stuff will be reset once you reopen the editor. One student also had an issue in a packaged game.

Well if you do it that way then it wouldn’t really matter if you have Live Coding enabled or not as you wouldn’t be using it. I tend to close and compile mostly but not everyone has the patience to wait for the editor to re-open all the time.

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Excellent, thank you DanM. So if one wanted to standardize a fool-proof protocol, is this accurate?

  1. Recompile in UE5
  2. Save All in UE5
  3. Close UE5
  4. Run Build Task, "…"Editor Win64 Development Build in Visual Studio Code.
  5. Save VSC project.
  6. Reopen UE5 project.

Thank you DanM! :wink:

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Even though I’ve switched back to windows, I’m finding that live coding doesn’t work at all. I’m currently on UE 5.0.1. So every time I make a change in VSC, I have to close UE5, Run Build Task in VSC and then reopen UE5. I works, but boy is that annoying. Kind of surprised that UE is shipping in this condition.

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OK what I’ve discovered is that for the UE Live Coding to work, and I don’t believe this was made clear in the video, VSC project must be SAVED before the UE Live Coding will recognize that changes have been made. I assume this means that UE looks at the date modified value of the VSC workspace file to decide whether a change has been made. The hint came from UE5 telling me that the VSC project hadn’t been changed despite the fact that it obviously had.


If you set VSC to autosave, would that help?

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