Some UX missing

I personally think this course is lacking in a few areas.

Custom Inspectors.
Runtime UI. (I know it is stated to be an Editor course, however it would have been good to include a runtime example)
Binding using SerializedObject.
Binding using SerializedProperties.

The fact it touches just the bare basics is disappointing.

I would have also included some of the following below to give a better UX by the end.

Asset Selection.
Subscribe in OnEnable and Unsubscribe in OnDisable.
Apply the selected asset to the savedTasksObjectField (fires ValueChanged event)

        private void OnEnable()
            Selection.selectionChanged += OnSelectionChanged;

        private void OnSelectionChanged()
            if (Selection.activeObject is TaskListSO taskListSo)
                taskListSO = taskListSo;
                savedTasksObjectField.value = taskListSO;

        private void OnDisable()
            Selection.selectionChanged -= OnSelectionChanged;

Open the TaskListEditor window when a TaskListSO asset has been double clicked.
Apply the selected asset to the savedTasksObjectField (fires ValueChanged event)

        public static bool OnOpenAssetWindow(int instanceId, int line)
            if (EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject(instanceId) is not TaskListSO taskListSo) 
                return false;
            if (HasOpenInstances<TaskListEditor>())
                return false;
            var window = GetWindow<TaskListEditor>("Task List");
            window.taskListSO = taskListSo;
            window.savedTasksObjectField.value = taskListSo;
            return true;

Register to the ValueChanged event on the savedTasksObjectField.


Load Tasks whenever the savedTasksObjectField value has been changed.

        private void SelectedTaskChanged(ChangeEvent<Object> evt)

Move taskListScrollView.Clear() to line above the null check.
This will simply clear the tasks from the UI if there is no task selected.

        private void LoadTasks()
            taskListSO = savedTasksObjectField.value as TaskListSO;
            if(taskListSO != null)

Thank you for your feedback, it is appreciated!

The course is a very lightweight introduction into UI Elements, and there definitely is far more to the system.

Earlier this year, I was working on a runtime version of the Task editor (I’ve actually written a complete UI in a work in progress game using just the UI Elements). I got sidetracked, and for that, I apologize. I’ll get that back into the tutorial queue.

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