Dont know what it could be but i see it on the moon or so…but i have another issue, when i render the rendering looks very pixelated, very unsmooth, like oposite of antialiasing…what could this be?
Here one example of the render
Dont know what it could be but i see it on the moon or so…but i have another issue, when i render the rendering looks very pixelated, very unsmooth, like oposite of antialiasing…what could this be?
Here one example of the render
It looks like the robot from the incredibles! And maybe the staff thing coming out the top could be an antenna of sorts, I could see this as a radar device dubbed, “Space Spider”
Hi Patrick,
Have you already tried the Edge Split modifier and smoothing the faces? You can mark the edges which are supposed to remain sharp.
Hi Nina, thank you for the Tip, yes i tried, i was also tempted to do some edit in edit mode but i decided to just keep strictly to the the tasks of the lessons in this course and sideways i work on some private exploratory projekts
but you are right, it should be helpful to make the rendering look better too, …at least i guess so…
Ah, sorry. I misinterpreted your post and thought you wanted to achieve a smoother rendering.
You could try to increase the number of samples in your Render settings.
You didnt misinterprete, that is what i wanted to achieve.
I will try both. Thank you!