Some problem with the changes made with the foreach loop

when i used the foreach loop in my code and run the game on a single enemy my enemy doest go to all the points of the array he just get to the 3rd point and destroy itself i want to make sure if the list start the counting of its components from 0 or 1 ???

this is the wave config code

public class WaveConfig : ScriptableObject
    [SerializeField] GameObject enemyPrefab  ;
    [SerializeField] GameObject pathPrefab;
    [SerializeField] float timeBetweenSpawns = 0.5f;
    [SerializeField] float spawnRandomFactor = 0.3f;
    [SerializeField] int numberOfEnemies = 5;
    [SerializeField] float movespeed = 3f; 

    public GameObject GetEnemyPrefab()
        return enemyPrefab;

    public List<Transform> GetWayPoints()
        var waveWayPoints = new List<Transform>();
        foreach (Transform child in pathPrefab.transform)
        return waveWayPoints;

    public float GetTimeBetweenSpawns()
        return timeBetweenSpawns;
    public float GetSpawnsRandomFactor()
        return spawnRandomFactor;

    public float GetMoveSpeed()
        return movespeed;

    public int GetNumberOfEnemies()
        return numberOfEnemies;

this is the enemy pathing code

public class EnemyPathing : MonoBehaviour
    //game params
    [SerializeField] WaveConfig waveConfig;
    List<Transform> wayPoints ;
    [SerializeField] int wayPointIndex = 0 ;
    [SerializeField] float enemySpeed = 1f ;
    int listLength;

    //debug perpose 

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        wayPoints = waveConfig.GetWayPoints();
        gameObject.transform.position = wayPoints[wayPointIndex].transform.position;
        listLength = wayPoints.Count -1;

    // Update is called once per frame
    private void Update()
        float distanceLeft = Vector2.Distance(gameObject.transform.position, wayPoints[wayPointIndex].transform.position);

        if (distanceLeft != 0)
            gameObject.transform.position = Vector2.MoveTowards(gameObject.transform.position, wayPoints[wayPointIndex].transform.position, enemySpeed * Time.deltaTime);
        if(wayPointIndex == listLength )

i found the solution XD … when i writed waypoints.count to see how many way points are there
i wrote -1 …

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