Some decorated block people, a cyclops and some Triadic Ballet people

Hi, this weekend I followed the lesson to create the block people, played with materials and decorated them in a somewhat baroque color scheme. Also created a stage for them and a standard format for a character card with the reference image next to it. To render the reference image I just added an additional plane mesh and added an image texture to it. Not sure if that’s best practice, but the empties didn’t want to show up in the render.

As a practice piece I also created a cyclops inspired by Ray Harryhausen’s stop motion creatures.

Last but not least I revisited the Bauhaus/Triadic Ballet figures to include similar elements as the block people because I thought it might make animating them easier later, but I might tune them a bit more to have a more individual look. I also added a second figure from the ballet cast.

Learning a lot in this course - this was a lot of fun :slight_smile:


Empties do not render, they are ‘empty’ of geometry to render.

Great looking characters.

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Thanks :slight_smile:

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