Some comments on Turn Based Strategy course

First time I use the website rather than Udemy, hope I am posting in the right place =)
I am loving the course, yay for CodeMonkey joining!

One issue I am noticing is that the course explains some things which are also covered in the 2D/3D intro courses, but takes others for granted, which are not in the beginner courses (static methods, delegates…). Not saying all needs to be explained, just wanted to point it out in case it was unintentional.

Second and minor issue: the course is called Turned Based Strategy but what we are making is a Turn Based Tactics game, from the intro it is clear there won’t be a strategy layer.

Third: it would be extra nice to have a sneak peek at the future of the course, in the form for example of rough section titles.

Thanks for making this course!!! I had been waiting for something turn-based to get an idea of what structure is commonly used, this is perfect!

I’m glad you’re enjoying the course!

The course is intended for people just past the beginner stage although it’s not necessarily a direct sequel to any specific course. Basically I assume the student knows the basics regardless of where they learned those basics.
Statics and Delegates are indeed in the intermediate range and I believe I explain those on the first time they appear in the course, is that not what you saw? Perhaps I missed the very first usage and only explained the second time?

Genre names are always hard to define exactly but I would say those two are synonyms. Wouldn’t you say the XCOM battle map is Turn Based Strategy? I would call that Turn Based Strategy even without the overworld. Civilization doesn’t have a battle map and I would also call that Turn Based Strategy.
Anyways regardless of the name you can definitely add a extra strategy layer to the game, all the code in set up in such a way that would be easy to define a character specific team with unique stats and load the same team into each battle.

The rest of the lectures were added today so you can now see them all.

I hope you keep enjoying it and I hope you learn a ton!

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Yay, got home and found more stuff added, seems like all lessons are in now! Awesome!

EDIT: just rewatched the part where you introduce delegates and realised you mention they will be covered later on in the course, so I might just be talking 100% nonsense. I suck. Ignore this until I have fiinished the whole course
Course shows static and delegates in use but does not actually explain the concept of them. Not saying a full explanation is within scope for this course, but I would have appreciated something like " A delegate is (short high-level explanation) and it is normally used when (example of common use cases)."
I say this simply because I see delegates pop up a lot but the Microsoft docs explanation melts my brain, and simply googling “What is a delegate” takes you to a bunch of explanations which mostly go for “it is the C# equivalent of such-and-such in C or C++”. Being around other self-taught people who are at that weird place between beginner and intermediate, I see this come up often as a sticking point. It might help quite a few people to have some explanation, or a pointer to some resource that is less indimidating than the Microsoft docs (normally they are great, but delegates… nope). Even saying “if you want to learn more about delegates, try the XXX course” (if there is one that covers them!) would be of help =)

Tactics vs Strategy: Civ is a strategy game, Fire Emblem is tactics, XCOM is tactics on the grid map and strategy on the world map. Strategy is your big plan to win a war, tactics is the single actions taken on the battlefield. I guess I just mention this because a lot of strategy/ or tactics fans are overly sensitive to it (I am :D) and because after 15 years in QA testing I am a royal pain in the butt, sorry.

Back to the grid system now, gotta study if I am to make my turn based tactics dreams come true! Thx again for this course (and for all your YT stuff)!

as a quick reference: the quick sentence you have about what a constructor is at the 1-minute mark of the Grid System lecture would have been fantastic to have about delegates =)

Just wanted to say I finally got to the “real” delegate part of the course.
Thank you. I feel I understand them for the first time, it will take practice but the concept finally stuck to my brain.

Course started amazing, but is now way beyond amazing. Really, super awesome job doing this.

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That’s awesome! Delegates are extremely powerful, it’s a great tool to have in your toolbox.

I’m really glad you’re enjoying the course! Thanks!

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