So my Unity.UI.Text can’t be found.
It says I may be missing an assembly reference, but I checked the references in MonoDevelop and it says it’s using UnityEngine.UI as a reference. As well as that, it’s using Text too. The Text in the class will not change to blue so can’t be found.
I tried restarting Unity and as well as that I’ve reimported all my assets.
Version: 5.4.2f2 (I understand we’re using 4.6 in this section at the moment, but I can’t see any issue as to why that wouldn’t be in there anymore).
I’m a dummy. If I read the error properly I wouldn’t have made the mistake. I was referencing text.Text (As I thought it was referencing my text asset rather than the actual library, obviously the reason for drag and dropping the asset in makes sense now!) instead of text.text. I’m tired, forgive me!