[Solved] Unable to drag asset into hierarchy

I am running unity 4.6.9 (the same version they are using during this portion of the videos). I imported the menu system as instructed. Now I am attempting to drag the LevelManager into the Level-01 Scene. It won’t allow me. The Win and Start scene have it because it came with the import, but it suddenly won’t let me drag it into the scene. I have never had this problem before. When I drag it over it get a circle with a diagonal line slashed though it (painted in image).

Things I have tried

  1. Opening another project and trying to drag an asset into a scene (didn’t work - I can’t drag a script into any scene on any project anymore).
  2. Reimporting items.
  3. Creating a new c# script and dragging it into the scene (also tried this on other projects).
  4. The typical restarting program and computer.
  5. Searching Google (couldn’t find someone else who had the same issue).

In the video the copy and pasted the level manager from another scene. This worked. It is for the reason that irresistibilejelly mentioned. There needs to be a game object to drop the script into.

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Memory is a little fuzzy but dont you have to make a level manager empty gameobject to attach the script to.


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