[Solved] Scirpt text not showing. No error code

When I press the play button the script doesn’t appear on screen.

Here it is not in play mode.

Here’s my TextController.cs for reference.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections;

public class TextController : MonoBehaviour {

public Text text;

private enum States {cell, sheets_0, sheets_1, lock_0, lock_1, mirror, cell_mirror, freedom};
private States myState;

//Use this for initialization
void Start () {
	myState = States.cell;


//Update is called once per frame
void CanvasUpdate () {
	print (myState);
	if (myState == States.cell)			    {state_cell();}
	else if (myState == States.sheets_0)	{state_sheets_0();}
	else if (myState == States.sheets_1)	{state_sheets_1();} 
	else if (myState == States.lock_0) 		{state_lock_0();} 
	else if (myState == States.lock_1) 		{state_lock_1();}
	else if (myState == States.mirror)      {state_mirror();} 
	else if (myState == States.cell_mirror) {state_cell_mirror();}
	else if (myState == States.freedom) 	{state_freedom();}	

void state_cell() {
	text.text = "You are in a prison cell, and you want to escape. There are " +
            	"some dirty sheets on the bed, a mirror on the wall, and the door " + 
				"is locked from the outside.\n\n" + 
				"Press S to view Sheets, M to view Mirror and L to view Lock" ; 
	if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S))	  {myState = States.sheets_0;} 
	else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.M)) {myState = States.mirror;} 
	else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.L)) {myState = States.lock_0;}

void state_mirror() { 
	text.text = "The dirty old mirror on the wall seems loose.\n\n" +
				"Press T to Take the mirror, or R to Return to cell" ; 
	if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.T)) 	  {myState = States.cell_mirror;} 
	else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R)) {myState = States.cell;}

void state_sheets_0() {
	text.text = "You can't believe you sleep in these things. Surely it's " + 
			"time somebody changed them. The pleasures of prison life " +
			"I guess!\n\n" +
			"Press R to Return to roaming your cell" ;
	if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R)) 	  {myState = States.cell;}

void state_sheets_1() {
	text.text = "Holding a mirror in your hand doesn't make the sheets look " + 
				"any better.\n\n" +
				"Press R to Return to roaming your cell" ; 
	if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R))  	  {myState = States.cell_mirror;}

void state_lock_0() {
	text.text = "This is one of those button locks. You have no idea what the " +
				"so you can see the lock. You can just make out fingerprints around " + 
				"the buttons. You press the dirty buttons, and hear a click.\n\n" + 
				"Press O to Open, or R to Return to your cell" ; 
	if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.O)) 	 {myState = States.freedom;} 
	else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R)){myState = States.cell_mirror;}

void state_lock_1() {
	text.text = "You carefully put the mirror through the bars, and turn it round " +
				"so you can see the lock. You can just make out fingerprints around " +
				"the buttons. You press the dirty buttons, and hear a click.\n\n"+
				"Press O to Open, or R to Return to your cell" ;
	if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.O)) 	  {myState = States.freedom;}
	else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.L)) {myState = States.lock_1;}

void state_cell_mirror() {
	text.text = "You are still in your cell, and you STILL want to escape! There are " + 
		    	"some dirty sheets on the bed, a mark where the mirror was, " + 
				"and that pesky door is still there, and firmly locked!\n\n" + 
					"Press S to view Sheets, or L to view Lock" ;
	if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S)) {myState = States.sheets_1;} 
	else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.L)) {myState = States.lock_1;}	

void state_freedom() {
	text.text = "You are FREE!\n\n" + 
		    	"Press P to Play again";
	if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.P)) {myState = States.cell;}


Rename CanvasUpdate to just Update. Or, recreate the Update method and then call your CanvasUpdate method from within.

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Thank you! I don’t know how I missed that.

You’re welcome :slight_smile:

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