[Solved] No bounce to my ball!

So I am on Section 5 Lecture 75 about launching the ball off of the paddle. No problem! Got this down! BUT, now my ball hits the paddle after launch and just rolls off. It was bouncing before when it just dropped onto the paddle. So somewhere, I unlicked something that would cause that (To be honest, it could have been my 2 year old boy who loves to grab my mouse when I stand up for a few). I’ve been looking at this for an hour now and I’m stumped. Anyone know the fix for this?

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Hey @Eric_Phillips, how are you?

Have you checked if the material that you applied to the ball has a bounciness value of 1? Try tweaking the material values to see how it behaves

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Seriously??? Wow… that was it! Somehow my physics material had been removed from my 2d collider. Well don’t I need more coffee this morning? Thank you :slight_smile:


It happens :joy:

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