[Solved] Lesson 6 script opens in Visual Studio instead of MonoDevelop

In this tutorial and others online, MonoDevelop is used as the IDE, so I want to do the same as I follow along.
I’m using Unity 5.4.2f2 Personal.

When I double click on the new C# script it opens in Microsoft Visual Studio.

Want to open and edit the script in MonoDevelop instead like in the video.

Steps to reproduce
I’ve played around with Unity a little before getting the course. The scripts always opened in Visual Studio and not in MonoDevelop like in the other video tutorials online.

Things tried

  • located MonoDevelop in the Unity download folder, opened it, and it works fine.

Hello @s4mantics, How are you?

The default IDE for unity is Visual Studio, although you can change it to MonoDevelop in:

Edit > Preferences > External Tools > External Script Editor

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