The video mentioned not using Application.Quit() when attempting to quit an application due to it not being transferable from platform to platform and went as far as mentioning your application may get rejected from an app store for containing it.
Platforms with suspected issues:
- Android
- iphone
- Webplayer/WebGL
Expected Result:
A solution that allows users to quit an application, when allowed, that will not cause errors on certain platforms, or break common standards of application distributors(app stores).
Attempted Solutions:
- Googled for a uniformed method to no resolve.
- Looked for standards on whether or not it is even appropriate to close an application anymore and found little in the way of standards.
- Played around with monodevelop to see if it had a solution.
Possible Solutions(hopefully avoidable):
- Just have different versions of the application with some containing application.quit().
- Change quit to go back to the main menu and allow the user to close the application with the os features.