LOL I see my error I changed on line 33 transform.LookAt (camPoint.position, camPoint.up);
to transform.LookAt (camPoint.position, camPoint.up);
Hello! first thing I need to say is, my camera is different, I wanna make a game like a Adventure/RPG focus on gameplay with less conversation focus like Oblivion or the Witcher and on my camera I’ve use the Vector3.SmoothDamp()
and transform.LookAt()
method and following a point on player (a EmptyObject) to the camera follow and the problem is when the player turn around L/R the CamArm rotate on Z the limit is -4 and 4 if holding W key and -8 to 8 if W is not hold when x->0
the minor value I see are Z: 0.0025
I think the problem is on the line 31 of mine script take a look (bellow I’ll post the code)
//camPoint is a Transform and defaultDist a Vector3 each one [SerializeField]
Vector3 toPos = camPoint.position + (camPoint.rotation * defaultDist);//were u need to go and rotate (if you turn around)
if some one can help me thank! here my code
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class CamFollow : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField]Vector3 defaultDist = new Vector3 (0f, 5.78f, -19.56f);//seta uma distancia padrao para camera
[SerializeField]float velDamp = 0.25f;//distancia maxima do afastamento da camera
Transform camPoint;
GameObject playerPrefab;
Vector3 velocity =;
void Awake()
playerPrefab = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Player");
if (playerPrefab)
camPoint = playerPrefab.transform.Find ("CamPoint");
//Update apos FixedUpdate e Update
void LateUpdate()
SmoothFollow ();
void SmoothFollow()
Vector3 toPos = camPoint.position + (camPoint.rotation * defaultDist);//um vetor para indicar a posisao do target e onde a camera dee parar
transform.position = Vector3.SmoothDamp (transform.position, toPos, ref velocity ,velDamp);//um vertor smoothdamp para mandar a camera se mover
transform.LookAt (camPoint.position, camPoint.up);
please some help I don’t know what I can do or use to stop this.