[SOLVED ]How we get the keyboard input to our code

Hi everone,

I cant understand how we get the keyboard shortcuts to the code. We use OnUserInput() but how it is related with the keyboard. is it in the monobehavior or in the package we loaded at the begining ? If so why do we define it in our code.

Thanks for help.

Judging by the name I suppose that it is an event. Meaning it must be boadcasted from somewhere. If it is defined in monobehavior you should find it if you type it into google. Since this is not the case, I suppose it gets decleared somewhere else. Is there any relating code to it?

@Pe_Emm While i am reading the docs of WM2000 which we imported to unity by the beginning, i saw an description like “## Description
OnUserInput is called whenever the user hits return after having typed character(s).” . So OnUserInput function is came with WM2000 package and it captures the typed input.
Thank you very much.

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