[SOLVED]Collision problems, flying tanks with spawnactor (Bullets)

After adding the spawnactor<> for the bullets to spawn the tank starts to behave weird like dancing and bouncing. A lesson before that everything worked normal. I tried to move the spawn zone on the barrel away but it only acted then more strange that is was before xD.

I dont know if you can see it but it acts pretty weird.
Here is the code from Github: https://github.com/Jason165/04_BattleTank.git
If anybody would help me i would really appreciate it. FYI im using Unreal Version 4.21.2

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after adding the spawnactor<> class in the last lecture i had a collsion bug the tanks started glitching around the world and started flying around the map when i pressed fire and launched a bullet. After playing a bit with the mash i figured out (i think so, but i am not sure) that it have something to do with the barrel. So for anyone who has the same problem try this:

change the projectile socket on your barrel

in the tank blueprint disable simulate physics and under collision, collsion presets change to NoCollision

position your tanks a bit of the ground

after this steps my game worked normal, but when i shoot on the other tanks they started flying away from the bullet but i think we will fix this later in the section.

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