[Solved] Cant find the coupon for archived Unity 2d course

I bought the course from udemy in 2019 and was in the middle of the garden game when my laptop got permanently damaged. How do I access the course now? I’ve looked at several other posts like this but I cannot find the lecture mentioning the coupon


Did you purchase the course on Udemy? If so, you can find the coupon in the very first section.

If you purchased it here on GameDev.tv, please write a message info@gamedev.tv. Maybe Lucy will be able to help.

Thank you. I found it in the first section. Btw do we learn the same amount in the updated course as well because i noticed that the earlier one has 7 games instead of the 5 in the new one.

Yes, the content is basically the same in regards to the fundamentals of Unity and C#. Rick and Gary added new features to the remastered sections, and they also replaced some of the old projects with new projects.

Of course, each project comes with its own problems and therefore requires its own solutions. Depending on the game developer, it is normal that you see different solutions for the same problem. For this reason, it does not matter if the old versions of our courses have different solutions or even games in some cases.

Last but not least, there is a reason why the old content was archived. Some of the solutions are heavily outdated. Since the information and solutions are not measurable, there is no way to compare the “amount”. For example, the “Text 101” game was dropped but Gary reused the concepts in his “Quiz Master” project, which is a new project. He also added a few more features such as a timer and a score display, which were not part of the old course. The remastered version of “Laser Defender” got better, more flexible solutions and more features.

I think Rick and Gary decided to drop “Glitch Garden” because it had been around for ages and became a bit boring. Also Gary added a tower defense project to the Unity 3D course. Rick added a new game named “Snow Boarder” to the Unity 2D course featuring an interesting component which had not been taught in the old course either.

As you can probably see, it is impossible (for me) to compare the archived course with the new course. I regard them as two different courses, and I like the latest best because Rick also improved quite a few explanations, and I also like Rick’s and Gary’s new projects.

If you fear that the remastered course might be lacking crucial information that was covered in the archived course, please access the archived course and skim the content list. If you see something you are interested in, watch the old video.

And if you think that something from the old course needs to be in the new course, please feel free to write our team an e-mail and let us know about your opinion. Rick and Gary (and the rest of the GameDev.tv team) are always interested in feedback. :slight_smile:

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